Yesterday was a normal day. OK, it was not normal, it was my birthday! But I did the routine thing and took two of my teenagers and three other teens to school 25 minutes away. On the way home, I did something out of routine. I turned on the radio. And I heard the news. And I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. The Supreme Court of the United States of America denied hearing the cases of 5 states with their man-woman marriage laws overturned by lower federal courts. As a consequence, the domino effect is happening, and soon gay marriage will be legal in 30 states. The ramifications are huge.
I said a silent prayer, “Really, God? Did this have to happen on my birthday? Couldn’t you have delayed it at least one day?” But then I realized I was born for this. And you were too. We were born to love and protect our families. We were born to learn and become educated about this issue and share the truth with others. Our friends, family, neighbors and co-workers need to know what’s really going on, and we can share the truth with them.
Last night my sisters, parents, and I had a conference call to discuss articles we had read about the state of marriage. My dad sees the bigger picture of what the government is doing at the highest levels to destroy families and our country. He wondered why we would waste our time sitting around talking about this issue. “What are we going to DO?” he asked.
Here is our opportunity to DO something.
First, take care of your own families. Love your children, serve them. Find the solutions to your relationship issues with your spouse and children. Make your relationships about your family members, not you. Every individual family can be strengthened.
Second, educate yourself. If you’re reading this, you are already doing that. Make sure you research and understand what’s at stake here. Sometimes it’s not very fun immersing yourself in the likes of this information, but it is necessary and worth the knowledge!
Third, share your knowledge with others whom you trust. Talk to those who are on the fence and don’t see any harm in how a same-sex marriage will affect traditional families and our society as a whole. By this time, you have the knowledge of what’s really at stake for soicety. It’s time to share.
Fourth, as your knowledge increases and you share with others, be aware of what is going on in your state, who your government officials are, and what bills are being put forth that may continue this downward trend. Communicate with your lawmakers and remind them of the importance of families. Sending emails and making phone calls to state legislators does make a difference.
Yes, yesterday was my birthday. I felt punched in the stomach. But it doesn’t have to last! Hooray that we can love our families, educate ourselves and Stand for the Family! I encourage you to keep reading and studying. Once you do so, you will not be able to keep quiet. There is too much to learn and share! Thank you, my friends for standing for families!