December 28, 2011
A Chance to Look Back and to Look Forward:
The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. The cause of families is so crucial and so important that each of us needs to evaluate what we’re willing to do this next year to make a difference not only in our personal lives and in the lives of our families, but in the trajectory of culture, policy and even history. Yes, these are historic times.
Where we’ve been:
* United Families International has had individuals and team members at every major UN conference this year – including a large group of youth who represented UFI and you at the World Youth Conference.
* We’ve provided support to international delegations as policy in their own countries, as well as at the UN, have been developed.
* Our United Families Chapters have impacted policy and influenced and educated legislators in several U.S. states.
* UFI executive team members were presenters at educational conferences and speaking engagements around the country.
* We posted over 200 informative articles to our blog and sent to you alerts and updates during all but five out of the year’s 52 weeks. We’re feeling really good about that. This took a good deal of effort and we hope that the information sent to you provided insights and helped educate you on topics that allowed you to go out and influence others. Thank you bloggers and writers – Danny, Rachel, Ann, Grace, Tom, Melissa, Rose Marie and Laura!
* Weekly we’ve combed through all the news outlets and provided to you the most important stories to keep you abreast of the pro-family world and news.
* We sent almost a thousand of your signatures on a letter to David Cameron, Prime Minister of the UK, thanking him for his immensely positive, pro-family speech after the riots caused great concern among the citizens of Great Britain.
* UFI was proud to be a part of a full-page Washington Times’ ad celebrating the birth of the world’s 7 billionth child.
* We’ve survived one of the worst recessions in decades – other non-profits have not been so lucky. We want to thank you and acknowledge our gratitude for being able to continue this critical work.
Where we’re going:
* We’re on the verge of releasing our family news website and a family resource website – stay tuned… we think you’re going to really like what we’ve been working on!
* We’ll have UFI representatives and analysts attending the drafting meeting and negotiations for the big UN Rio+20 meetings as well as the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), Commission on Social Development (CSD), and the Commission on Population and Development.We know what to look for and we commit to developing more contacts and being even more effective in getting the pro-family/pro-life language into the documents.
* UFI will be a participant and sponsor of the World Congress of Families to be held in Madrid, Spain this coming May.
* We’re working on an initiative that will help delegates and other international entities withstand the onslaught of the international effort to promote same-sex behavior and gender confusion.
* The release of the new book: Family and the Millennial Development Goals will occur early in 2012. Susan Roylance (founder of UFI) is the author/editor. United Families was grateful to play a role in bringing forward this important book. Thanks Susan!
At UFI we have a team of individuals – all of us volunteers- who give untold hours to a cause and effort that requires – no demands – our best. Our family members make the sacrifice as well. To them we say “thank you.” We couldn’t do it without their support and patience.
We also wanted you to see some of the faces of the UFI team. We are real people with real lives and families…just like yours. Each UFI team member has made a unique commitment to stand for and fight for the preservation of the family in the difficult and often-times dark battles that are being waged all around us.
So what part can you play in this upcoming year?
If you are a parent – a mother or a father, it’s time to recommit to putting your children and your marriage at the top of your commitment list – they are the most important priority in your life. The world desperately needs to see your example. The world has lost the script on what it means to strive for the ideal of the natural, intact family. Show them!
If you can give time, please contact us. We especially need bloggers and writers and individuals who can devote research time. Do you have an expertise related to strengthening families? Contact us! We are on the verge of setting up a website that will be a valuable family resource and we could use your help.
If you can give financial support, now’s a great time to do it. You have a few more days to help before this tax year will end. We really need your support. We operate on a shoe string, but we still have to buy the shoe strings! Please, go here and give whatever you feel you can spare. We know times are tough and we promise to use your funds carefully.
Lastly, we want to thank you for your on-going support. We value your comments, your input, and your involvement. You are the reason that UFI continues to do amazing things.
Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!
Carol Soelberg
President, United Families International