AIDS Relief Program Could be Transformed into Abortion on
Demand Funding Source
Dear Friend of the Family,
Congressman Tom Lantos (Democrat, California), chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, is circulating draft legislation to reauthorize President George W. Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The program has been highly successful in fighting the AIDS pandemic in Africa, but Congressman Lantos is attempting to transform it into a source of funding for abortion. Lantos will convene a committee hearing on the bill Thursday, February 7, and we need your help in stopping the liberalization of this program.
Thanks to PEPFAR, 1.4 million AIDS patients in 15 African nations have received life-saving medical treatment. President Bush is requesting $30 billion from Congress to fund the program for the next five years. This funding would allow 2.5 million people to receive treatment for HIV/AIDS, preventing an estimated 12 million new infections and provide care for about 5 million orphans and at-risk children.
Congressman Lantos wants to increase funding of PEPFAR to $50 billion, and his agenda includes some troubling components:
$10 billion per year would be given to abortion providers and promoters due to proposed integration with “reproductive health” and “family planning” requirements;
The bill’s definition of “reproductive health” includes the term “obstetric services,” which can be manipulated to include abortion. Given that population control groups and advocates define reproductive health services as including abortion on demand, this raises the likelihood of abortion being incorporated into the program;
This bill could mark the first time that “reproductive health” has ever been defined in U.S. law, which could have a significant impact on international abortion law and United Nations issues;
Since PEPFAR is not covered by the Mexico City Policy, foreign and domestic abortion providers and promoters could receive funding;
The Global Fund is involved in funding proposals submitted by the Chinese Health Department on behalf of Chinese agencies — including the agency responsible for enforcing the one-child policy, and British abortion provider Marie Stopes International and the UNFPA, an organization constantly beating the drums for abortion;
Organizations that support prostitution as a “work option” for women, like DKT International, would be able to receive PEPFAR funding; and
The current spending requirement for Abstinence and Be Faithful behavioral change as part of the successful ABC (Abstinence, Be Faithful, condoms) approach to prevention has been completely gutted. Abstinence/Be Faithful would be just one of several prevention activities including reproductive health, family planning, condoms, education programming, microfinance, women’s rights and more.
The Bottom Line
By integrating HIV programs with “reproductive health” and “family planning,” PEPFAR will fall short of the needs of the beleaguered people of Africa. This program should not be transformed into one that suits the needs of the pro-choice lobby, nor should it be used to promote so-called “reproductive health” and “family planning” services.
Call to Action
Please contact Republican members on the Foreign Affairs Committee and urge their attendance and participation at Thursday’s committee meeting. Urge them to oppose the final passage of the bill unless pro-family concerns are addressed completely.
Carol Soelberg,
President United Families International