The following is a special message from our friends at Demographic Winter. This video has had a profound effect on everyone I have shown it to. Please consider watching the preview of the video, and if you like it, order a copy for yourself and anyone else who you think might benefit from learning about our culture’s falling birth rates and what can be done to stop it.
Beverly Rice
DV055.jpgWhat would you do if you knew for a FACT that large portions of the human race were hurtling toward extinction … not at some point in the distant future but during your lifetime?
United Families International
“… a crisis we cannot ignore…” – Tony Perkins
“… a wake up call…” – Paul Weyrich
“… a must see… brilliant…” – Chuck Colson
-Scroll Down for Complete Quotes-
A Critical Message on the Imminent
Demographic Winter
What I’m about to tell you WILL shock you!
What would you do if you knew that some nations will cease to exist and that the survival of the U.S. will be threatened?
What would you do if you heard overwhelming, convincing and gripping evidence from eminent and respected scientists, scholars and public policy leaders from around the world that conclusively proves that over-population is simply not true; that the crisis the world will confront in this century, isn’t too many people but too few?
What if I told you that all over the world, children are disappearing?
The truth of the matter is that what you have been told by population-control fanatics and a biased media simply is not true.
The truth of the matter is that we are in a headlong rush toward economic and social chaos, and if it is not stopped the consequences will be ugly and drastic for you, your children and your grandchildren.
Do not take our word for it that your way of life may disappear very soon. Please use this hyperlink to view the trailer to Demographic Winter absolutely FREE! Or use the “Watch The Preview Now” button below to see this riveting trailer!
And after viewing Demographic Winter for just a couple of minutes, if you agree that it is the most authoritative and shocking thing that you have seen; and if you agree that it must be shared with your friends, your family members, the people who go to your church and your neighbors, then you can take immediate action to have the full length hour-long DVD delivered directly to you.
Tony Perkins
Family Research Council
“Demographic Winter is a timely account of a crisis we cannot ignore. The loss of confidence and the decline of faith that afflict much of the West are leaving us with empty cradles and emptier hearts. This film is a call to recover the family so that we can renew our future.”
Watch The Preview Now
Reality contradicts the population-control crowd:
the world is NOT experiencing a population explosion. In fact, our population will soon be in so rapid a decline that our entire way of life will be threatened in a matter of decades;
politically-correct movements to advance destructive and seemingly un-related causes such as abortion, the so-called normalization of homosexual behavior and cohabitation outside of marriage all contribute to declining birth rates.
We call the truth “Demographic Winter.”
It’s very real!
It’s very shocking!
AND it’s imminent!
And you can learn about it in a powerful new film entitled Demographic Winter: the decline of the human family.
Demographic Winter has not yet been shown in theaters or on television but we are making it available to you now!
Do not take our word for it that your way of life may disappear very soon. Please use this hyperlink to view the trailer to Demographic Winter absolutely FREE! Or use the “Watch The Preview Now” button below to see this riveting trailer!
And after viewing Demographic Winter for just a couple of minutes, if you agree that it is the most authoritative and shocking thing that you have seen; and if you agree that it must be shared with your friends, your family members, the people who go to your church and your neighbors, then you can take immediate action to have the full-length hour-long DVD delivered directly to you.
Paul Weyrich
Chairman and CEO
Free Congress Research and Education Foundation
“Demographic Winter is a wake-up call for the pro-family movement. The worldwide fall of birthrates is one of the most pressing problems confronting humanity. Watching this DVD (and sharing it with others) is a necessary first step to finding solutions.”
Watch The Preview Now
Some in the media do NOT want you to see Demographic Winter and a campaign of distortions is already underway…
There are some who don’t want you to know this information. In fact, some in the media — in an attempt to silence the vital message contained in Demographic Winter — have blatantly mischaracterized the themes explored in Demographic Winter.
Conservative writer Don Feder, sums up the thrust of many of these mischaracterizations as follows: “[T]hose who are concerned about the worldwide decline in birthrates are – to put it mildly, racist, neo-Nazis, who have a hidden agenda and (under the guise of demographic winter) are engaged in our age-old quest to control women’s bodies.”
For example, Kathryn Joyce, in an article published in The Nation — derisively titled, “Missing, the ‘Right’ Babies” — at one point insultingly describes the themes explored in Demographic Winter as, “modern euphemisms for old-fashioned race panic… .”
Of course, comments like Joyce’s are insulting, hysterical fantasies that have no basis in reality. The documentary’s experts are renowned and respected demographers, sociologists and even a Nobel laureate in economics, from institutions like the University of Chicago and University of Virginia.
But reality is of little issue to some and the plain and simple truth is that outrageous comments from some in the media are intended to discourage you from seeing Demographic Winter, because the premise of Demographic Winter is rock-solid and the evidence presented in Demographic Winter is COMPELLING!
And more to the point, this powerful documentary actually undermines attempts to normalize cohabitation outside of wedlock and homosexuality, which are only a few of the contributing factors to drastically falling birthrates. Many good families have fallen prey to the idea that it is better for the world if we limit families to 2, 1 or no children.
Your must watch Demographic Winter NOW and save your family from disappearing.
Unless hundreds-of-thousands of concerned citizens watch this movie and take action, the following factors will erode our culture and bring about the demise of our society:
Childless Culture and Abortion
Delayed Marriage and Cohabitation
The Normalization of Homosexuality
Population Control
The Decline of Natural Marriage
A mass media (including Hollywood) that inculcates an ethic of selfishness and a live-for-the-moment existence
The decline of religion and traditional morality
The threat is real. It is here NOW!
Do not take our word for it that your way of life may disappear very soon. Please use this hyperlink to view the trailer to Demographic Winter absolutely FREE! Or use the “Watch The Preview Now” button below to see this riveting trailer!
And after viewing Demographic Winter for just a couple of minutes, if you agree that it is the most authoritative and shocking thing that you have seen; and if you agree that it must be shared with your friends, your family members, the people who go to your church and your neighbors, then you can take immediate action to have the full length hour-long DVD delivered directly to you.
Wendy Wright
President, Legislative Action Committee
Concerned Women for America
“Demographic Winter will shock most viewers. It shatters myths that most people throughout the world have unquestioningly bought into. And it will challenge viewers to look at how our individual choices impact the future of the world. The fears of global warming are little in comparison to the threat of demographic winter.”
Watch The Preview Now
What are the psychological and sociological effects of social engineering? The answers will shock you…
Demographic Winter was produced by award-winning filmmakers and is filled with scholars who seek to warn and educate the world about the newest threats we face… threats that are brought about by our own selfish desires.
It demonstrates how attempts to modernize society through social engineering policies and programs have forced our children into broken homes with absentee parents and the dire consequences of those same social engineering policies.
Children are now experiencing severe psychological and sociological damage, and that damage will have very real consequences. The natural family’s immeasurable role in the development and prosperity of human society is crumbling.
Viewers of the movie will receive answers to the following questions:
What will happen as the population in every developed nation shrinks while the economic needs of those in these countries continue to grow? The answer will shock you…
As longevity increases and birth rates decline, what will happen when a single child is forced to support two parents and four grandparents? A hint: taxes will go through the roof…
Demographic Winter is one of the greatest threats to our society.
You need to own a copy of this powerful DVD.
You need to hear what sociologists, economists, and demographers are saying, in their own words, as they describe the fate of our world.
After you watch Demographic Winter, I guarantee you will want to get the word out about its unfortunate, but vital truths.
Extinction of entire civilizations is not a nightmarish fantasy… it is already happening!
Do not take our word for it that your way of life may disappear very soon. Please use this hyperlink to view the trailer to Demographic Winter absolutely FREE! Or use the “Watch The Preview Now” button below to see this riveting trailer!
And after viewing Demographic Winter for just a couple of minutes, if you agree that it is the most authoritative and shocking thing that you have seen; and if you agree that it must be shared with your friends, your family members, the people who go to your church and your neighbors, then you can take immediate action to have the full-length hour-long DVD delivered directly to you.
P.S. Please forward this email on to everyone in your address book.