Anti-Family Healthcare Reform Bill Continues to Be Pushed
Dear ~Contact.FirstName~,
Today the pro-life movement stands at a crossroad. If Congress cannot stop the Obama healthcare train, and our nation turns toward nationalized health care, the battle to protect the family will be damaged beyond measure.
Currently, HB 3200: Healthcare Reform includes tax-payer funded abortion services and end of life “options”. Theses provisions are only a part of what threatens the life of the pro-family movement in the U.S. and around the world.
What You Can Do to Make a Difference
Thursday, July 23 join pro-family leaders for an emergency webcast on how to make a difference during this crisis.
Leaders in the movement will be present on the webcast to discuss action steps that you can take to block this legislation from passage. They include: Reps. Chris Smith and Joe Pitts, and CWA’s Wendy Wright.
The webcast takes place this Thursday at 9 p.m. EST (6 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Mountain, 8 p.m. Central). It will be 70 minutes long. No fee.
Registration for the event is available
The Abortion Industry is Behind HR 3200
The highly financed abortion lobby is set and ready to take away your rights and religious freedoms. They will do this by:
Imposing the “Freedom of Choice Act” (FOCA) through health care mandates.
Forcing taxpayers to fund abortion services on demand.
Mandating abortion services for every health plan and every citizen.
Requiring medical providers to violate their right of conscience and perform abortions.
Providing “comprehensive” health care at school-based clinics.
Mainstream media are finally picking up on the all out attack on those who are against public money paying for abortions under the guise of the proposed health care legislation. Sunday’s New York Times article makes it clear that the current legislation mandates your tax money will pay for
More Anti-Family Surprises in the Bill
United Families learned earlier today through CNS News that liberals in Congress who support government mandated health care, and publicly funded abortion, also support giving the Secretary of Health and Human Services the authority to determine the gender identity of every individual. The terms “male” and “female” will be replaced with terms commonly used by the GLBT community. That information, along with your healthcare status and level of care needs will be reported in a government centralized health record.
Join The Movement to Stop Obamacare
Organizations like Concerned Women for America, National Right to Life, C-Fam, Heritage Foundation and the like have joined in the spirit freedom and liberty to fight against the rising tide of this insidious legislation. To read what they are saying click on the following links:
Even the New York Times is reporting the mandate of “family planning” provisions in the bills:
ABC news asked the abortion question as
Just Do It
Here is what you can do to make a difference today:
Register for the webcast event for Thursday, July 23rd at:
Call your Congressman and U.S.
Contact the specific Blue Dog Coalition of Congressmen who lean toward voting
Call President Obama at 202-456-1111. Share your point of view.
Forward this alert to at least ten of your friends.
Donate $25, $50 or even $100 to UFI so that we can continue to protect life and keep you informed about this important issue.
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