Good News for Parents
“The family is the cornerstone of our society. More than any other force it shapes the attitude, the hopes, the ambitions, and the values of the child. And when the family collapses it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale the community itself is crippled. So, unless we work to strengthen the family, to create conditions under which most parents will stay together, all the rest – schools, playgrounds, and public assistance, and private concern – will never be enough…”
This quote from Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson states clearly what we at United Families International have been focused on throughout the last 32 years and with even greater energy these last few months working within the UN and international arena””we understand the critical nature of family. We are grateful for your support and for the commitment and sacrifices you make for your own family each and every day. It matters! It has an impact! You are making a difference in your communities and in the world.
We wanted to bring you an update on a couple of the things we’re working on and some of the policy issues and implications connected to them””things that will have an impact on you and your family.
Vigilance is required to protect parental rights
Right now “Third Committee Meetings” are taking place at the UN. UFI staff has been there actively working to craft language and influence what goes into these “resolutions” which in turn influences international policy. UFI brings you first-hand accounts of what is occurring within the UN halls.
1. We made you aware of the report that was to be on “The Right to Education” which had morphed into outrageous document entitled: “The Right to Comprehensive Sexual Education.” The special report stated, among other things, that parents don’t have a right to control their child’s sex education, that religion is a stumbling block to sexual satisfaction, and that a normalization of a range of sexual behaviors should be promoted.
With your help and calls to your UN missions, this report was derailed with numerous member states passionately speaking against its inclusion””prompting the U.S. delegation to speak out against the report as well. It is UFI’s intent to hold the U.S. delegation accountable to their statement that “there is no internationally recognized human right to sexual education.” This will be a helpful piece of information as we work to combat the heavily-promoted idea that all schools should include “Comprehensive Sex Education” in their curriculum.
2. Please keep on your radar screen the upcoming push for the U.S. to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. During the last election cycle, Democratic leaders committed to seek and obtain ratification of the CRC. It is widely believed that will occur sometime before the new members of Congress are sworn in. Please contact your elected representatives and express your concerns regarding the implications and dangers of such a treaty. For talking points and a quick overview of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, go here.
United Families representatives have been actively engaged in an effort to put pro-family, pro-parental rights language together for inclusion in a UN Third Committee draft resolution that is meant to strengthen the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is always shocking to us that the UN continues to produce documents that claim to aid children””especially young children as this current document purports””and yet have little to no mention of the role of family and the rights and responsibilities of parents. But we’re working to change that! With the help of other hard-working members of the pro-family, pro-life coalition some important and relevant consensus parental rights language has been inserted into the CRC resolution text. We will not let them ignore your right to rear and guide your children as you see fit.
As the UN prepares for the International Year of the Family in 2014, United Families International was presented with a rare opportunity to influence a document that is to be presented to the UN Secretary General in January. We were also able to submit information on the role and importance of fathers for possible inclusion in a UN publication dedicated to the topic. There are some very positive things occurring! We’re encouraged and you should be too.
One last thing, we want to draw your attention to a recently released Zogby Poll on parental rights. It seems that most of the people in the U.S. do oppose the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is also encouraging information as a proposed Parental Rights Amendment is beginning to pick up steam. You can see the wording and results of this Zogby poll here.
Warmest Regards,
Mike Duff
President, United Families International