Join the Race for Virtue!
One benefit of working with United Families is the opportunity we have to partner with other pro-family organizations. For instance, while at the United Nations, UFI has collaborated with Fight the New Drug to educate individuals and community leaders about the dangers of pornography, and last March we teamed up with Operation Underground Railroad in raising awareness about the widespread threat of human trafficking. We love spreading the word about the important work these groups do!
We are pleased to share with you a new partnership we have with Voices For Virtue . Voices For Virtue is an online community of people who think virtue is important. Its purpose is to empower youth to strengthen themselves and others in virtuous living through social networking. Voices For Virtue is sponsoring the First Annual Worldwide Race for Virtue, an annual race to provide hope, healing, prevention and recovery resources for everyone striving for virtue or helping others do the same.
The proceeds of their race fund non-profit organizations, including ours, to fight sexual addiction and exploitation. The race is on 9.9.17. The cost is $7. You can hike, bike, run, swim, or walk, with whomever you want for as long as you want. Grab your friends, your neighbors, or a loved one to race with you! Check out their website for more details and to register.
Everyone who registers before August 11th qualifies to win a $100 gift card to Altrarunning . Every footstep counts. Every person counts. You count.
Please join us as we Race for Virtue!