Judges Rule Against Stay and the Democratic Process
June 6, 2008
Dear Friend of the Family,
The arrogance expressed yesterday by the California Supreme Court, which refused to stay its May 15 legalization of same-sex “marriage,” should come as no surprise.
The court’s original decision last month was an over-step that defied the separation of powers and disregarded conventional thinking on the value of traditional marriage, as well as the will of the people.
Recently, the California marriage amendment signatures were certified and it would have made good sense to stay the decision until November and let the will of the people determine the final decision.
In addition to causing confusion for Californians, 10 states asked the California Supreme Court to stay the decision because they recognized the potential legal havoc on their court systems.
There will be many legal “fires” to extinguish across the land, which explains the problem with today’s refusal by the court to stay the ruling.
If same-sex “marriage” stands in California, and if court rulings in other states lead to the unraveling of marriage law elsewhere, we can only expect to see much societal upheaval – and persecution. Read these cases-in-point about the consequences related to same-sex “marriage”:
- A Saskatchewan human rights tribunal fined Regina marriage commissioner Orville Nichols $2,500 for his refusal in 2005 to perform a “wedding” ceremony for two homosexual men. Nichols had referred the men to another commissioner who did perform the ceremony, but that didn’t protect him from persecution.
- Swedish Pastor Ake Green spent years and much expense trying to clear his name after receiving a sentence for “hate speech” over a Biblical sermon about homosexuality. Dissent is not tolerated where same-sex “marriage” is recognized.
- The Catholic Church in Massachusetts was forced to end its long tradition of adoption agency work due to the state’s persecution of organizations resisting the homosexual agenda.
- People in the U.S. and Canada have been fined for refusing to perform commercial services for same-sex “marriage” – related events. Personal beliefs are trumped by the homosexual agenda.
- Children in California and Massachusetts are already being indoctrinated by homosexual-themed curriculum in their respective K-12 systems.
- In Europe, recognition of same-sex “marriage” has resulted in fewer heterosexual marriages and more cohabitation. The result is more poverty, more domestic violence and a much larger tab in social costs for taxpayers. Americans are already paying some $150 billion for the cost of fragmented families.
California has not seen the end of this battle to preserve marriage.
May the voters of the Golden State cast their ballots for marriage this fall and repeal the attack on marriage by the Supreme Court.
It’s truly up to the voters now to preserve marriage and our society as we know it.
Carol Soelberg, President
United Families International