“More Trick than Treat:” UNICEF Loses Sight of Their Mission
It was 60 years ago this month when the United Nations Children’s Education Fund””UNICEF””began their highly successful “Trick or Treat for UNICEF” campaign. Several generations of Halloween-costumed children have carried the orange donation boxes door to door to help children in countries around the world receive food, vaccinations, health care, and education. Yet, few understand that some 25 years ago, UNICEF adopted another vision for their efforts, one that includes carrying the banner for radical feminists””promoting abortion and enticing children to engage in promiscuity and risky sexual behaviors.
Before your children get involved in a school group devoted to UNICEF, or they pick up a donation box for trick or treating, please be aware of the current thrust of UNICEF.
History: Once a Leading Advocate for Children Now a Major Promoter of Anti-family Positions
– In 1946, UNICEF founded to provide medicine and food to stave off starvation in post-war Europe; very effective in their efforts.
– In 1953, original name–United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund””changed to UN Children’s Fund (original acronym, UNICEF, retained)
– In the 1950’s, UNICEF was a leader in combating epidemics and disease with the distribution of vaccines and penicillin. They also began to assist women in childbirth and developed a philosophy that embraced maternity.
– The 1960’s brought UNICEF heavily into the education world with 43 percent of their budget devoted to it.
– In 1970’s, branched out into infrastructure and providing a clean water supply
– In 1980’s, Under the leadership of James Grant, targeted life and death interventions with GOBI (growth monitoring, oral rehydration, breast feeding, immunizations/vaccines)
– 1990s to present: embraces radical feminism and emphasizes “girl-child” and “reproductive and sexual rights.”
For a more thorough review of UNICEF’s history and dealings, see the well-document white paper prepared by Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute.
Focus on the “Girl-Child:” UNICEF Not Concerned About Boys?
The UNICEF mandate to aid children was best accomplished by assisting women in their role as mothers and UNICEF had a decidedly “maternal” focus. You can see that reflected in GOBI and especially the focus on breastfeeding. During the late 1970’s and 80’s, as the feminist movement began to gain strength and moved into the UN system, feminist leaders began to exert influence with the UNICEF Executive Board. Feminist ideology was not aligned with the notion of mothers remaining in their traditional domestic roles with an exclusive focus on the welfare of their children. UNICEF began to realize that feminism, to the degree it would divert attention from meeting the essential needs of children, was not compatible with the mission of UNICEF.
That gulf was eventually bridged, however, by the notion of the “girl child.” In the world of “gender” politics that was an acceptable approach””focusing on girls and thus the lifecycle of women and increasing their rights””would allow both factions to rededicate themselves to helping children; but only one half of children. Programs were devised and monies flowed towards programs directed at girls. A search of UNICEF’s website for the word “girls” vs. “boys” will give you just a glimpse of that continued lopsided approach.
Abortion and “Reproductive Rights”
Although UNICEF denies supporting abortion, their record shows otherwise. Here are just a few examples.
– In 2004, they actively opposed a New Zealand proposal that would have required parental consent for underage girls seeking abortion.
– In 2007, UNICEF was a sponsor of a global initiative now called “Women Deliver” calling for worldwide legalized abortion in an effort to promote maternal and child health care.
– Just last year (2009), they lobbied against language in the Dominican Republic’s new constitution that would have protected life “from conception until death” asking legislators to instead liberalize abortion laws.
– UNICEF continues to work closely with UNFPA another UN agency that actively promotes abortion and population control programs.
UNICEF is an opportunistic advocate for the spread of abortion rights. Their denial of that support and their promotion of abortion is based on semantics and cleverly worded distortion of the facts surrounding their actual activities and expenditures of money. However, we do want to give credit where credit is due. This past spring, at Canada’s G-8 maternal health summit, UNICEF called for an end to the rancorous debate over abortion asking all parties to move forward by addressing specifically ways to save the lives of mothers and children in the developing world.
Condoms, Sexual Rights, and Graphic Sexual Materials
When HIV/AIDs became a worldwide health issue, UNICEF became heavily involved with condom distribution and the delivery of sexual information to children–some of it decidedly anti-family and unsavory.
In 2002, United Families International was the first to expose a UNICEF-funded book prepared for Latin America that encourages children to engage in sexual activities with other minors, homosexual sex, and bestiality. The book’s title (Spanish translation) “Theoretic Elements for Working with Mothers and Pregnant Teens” emphasizes that “Reproductive health includes the following components: Counseling on sexuality, pregnancy, methods of contraception, abortion, infertility, infections and diseases.” An accompanying workbook instructs:
“Situations which you can obtain sexual pleasure: 1. Masturbation 2. Sexual relations with a partner””whether heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual 3. A sexual response that is directed towards inanimate objects, animals, minors, non-consenting persons.”
Two years earlier another controversial UNCIEF sexual education manual was distributed in El Salvador and they also were a backer of a controversial website for South African youth that uses the name LoveLife.
This past August, UNICEF was one of the sponsors of a “World Conference for Youth” in preparation for the upcoming “International Year of Youth.” At that event, full sexual rights and freedoms were graphically promoted.
Focus on “Children’s Rights” Rather Than Children’s Needs
UNICEF’s mission of direct action and service to children in need has shifted towards a stated policy of the promotion of controversial “child rights.” This new direction shifts emphasis away from providing services to children in need and focuses, instead, on programs that advance sexual and reproductive rights for children, displaces parental rights, and pushes child autonomy””we believe to their detriment.
Richard Horton, editor of the British medical journal, The Lancet””hardly a bastion of conservatism””speaking on UNICEF deviation from its original mission stated:
“This rights-based approach to the future of children fits well with the zeitgeist of international development policy. But a preoccupation with rights ignores the fact that children will have no opportunity for development at all unless they survive. The language of rights means little to a child stillborn, an infant dying in pain from pneumonia, or a child desiccated by famine. The most fundamental right of all is the right to survive. Child survival must sit at the core of UNICEF’s advocacy and country work. Currently, and shamefully, it does not… [UNICEF] has failed to address the essential health needs of children.”
Find Another Way to Donate to Children’s Welfare
The propaganda publicized by UNICEF for this project has deceived many schools and parents into encouraging children to participate in what looks like children helping children. The truth is, most of these same adults would be horrified to know that their encouragement actually promotes abortion and sexual rights for children through programs that are being fueled by the donations received from children on Halloween.
The original mandate to provide basic health care and education services to the poor children of the world has been diluted by UNICEF and in its place is the destruction of millions of unborn children. It is a cynical program that uses children to promote sexual promiscuity that negatively impacts children and families.
Caring parents should carefully consider the other options available for their efforts to needy children. Thankfully there are many humanitarian programs worthy of support and funding as they assist disadvantaged children while promoting family friendly values. United Families understands the importance of saving lives while promoting positive behaviors that strengthen families. That is why United Families founded and has championed the “Stay Alive” HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Program for many years which has reached close to a million children in Africa. Designed to reach children ages 9-14, Stay Alive empowers them to make positive choices before they reach the age of sexual activity. Stay Alive helps children focus on the goal of “living a long, loving life”. The program teaches that the only sure way to avoid contracting the HIV virus is to avoid sexual contact before marriage, to marry someone who is disease-free, and to stay faithful to that partner throughout their “long, loving life”.
Stay Alive is a worthy alternative to the agenda driven, UNICEF programs we have described. Your support for it and other UFI programs can teach your children the importance of family and the benefits of constructively helping children around the world. Click here to donate today!