From the Desk of Tori Black:
Hello friends,
I hope you are enjoying this first week of summer! I love the longer days, the warmer weather and the chance to spend some extended time with my kids and grandkids. I hope your summer is likewise filled with the things and people you love.
As much as I wish time could just stand still for a little while, the assault on the family and religious freedom does not press “pause”. Below are links to articles that address events and issues happening right now around the globe, that affect you and the well being of your families.
Stay vigilant!
Tori Black, President
One step forward, two steps back…
While the US Supreme Court recognized the religious rights of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner, Jack Phillips, the Supreme Court of Canada has determined that the law school at Trinity Western University can be denied accreditation due to the Christian university’s belief in traditional marriage. Only two of the justices held that ““The unequal access resulting from the Covenant is a function of accommodating religious freedom, which itself advances the public interest by promoting diversity in a liberal, pluralist society.”
Agents of the state…
Now that Ireland has repealed its Eighth Amendment, thus legalizing abortion, the Prime Minister has decided that Catholic healthcare facilities will be required to perform the procedure. This is what happens when the service you provide, be it healthcare or education, is funded by the state, regardless of the religious beliefs of the sponsoring organization. So much for personal conscience.
And speaking of a life worth living…
Doctors once told Rick and Karen Santorum that the daughter growing in Karen’s womb had a condition, Trisomy 18, that was “incompatible with life.” That was 10 years ago. Unlike the parents of Alfie Evans and Charlie Gard whose incompatibility with life was decided by state-run healthcare and the courts, the Santorums had the freedom to nurture that little life despite the dire predictions of the experts.
It’s all good…
It used to be that we taught our children to keep their hands to themselves, but sociology students at the University of California at Santa Barbara who have studied “advanced topics in human sexuality” run a university-sponsored website that encourages parents to let their children touch the genitals of other children because they are “just exploring”. They also encourage parents to let their children watch porn because it’s a “normal habit” and “nothing to be ashamed of”. Sounds like UCSB is teaching fake science.
And the winner is…
Boys running against girls. Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood are biological males who identify as females. They have been allowed to compete against biological females in high school track meets and swept the track championships in Connecticut. A logical and tragic twisting of Title IX civil rights laws that is devastating women’s athletics. Student athlete Selina Soule seems to understand what the adults in the (class)room don’t: “Sports are set up for fairness. Biologically male and female are different. The great majority is being sacrificed for the minority.” CIAC executive director Karissa Niehoff calls it “bad optics”. We just call it bad.