March 10, 2009
Obama Administration Proposing To Rescind Laws That Protect Health Care Providers
Dear ~Contact.FirstName~,
The sanctity of life is being attacked from all sides. From the United Nations to your doctor’s office, treaties, money, and new regulations are forcing unwilling participants to participate in the act of abortion.
As you know, tax dollars from the United States are now funding abortions throughout the world because President Obama overturned the Mexico City Policy which previously barred recipients of any U.S. foreign aid from performing or promoting abortion services, as a method of family planning in other countries.
As a follow-up, the Obama Administration is now proposing to rescind the Freedom of Conscience laws that protect health care providers of faith. In other words, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and hospitals will now be forced to offer abortion services or they could lose their ability to practice in their chosen profession.
We should all be very concerned. Just imagine if you or a family member had trouble finding adequate health care because those who practice medicine in your area had to leave their profession because of these regulations. This could be particularly devastating to rural areas or states with a high concentration of medical practitioners of faith. Both could be severely impacted because of the lack of health care available due to these new laws. Healthcare providers may resign from their professions. Hospitals will be shut down. And future doctors and nurses will choose another profession rather than be forced to participate in the destruction of life.
Currently, Catholic hospitals account for 15-20% of the hospital services provided in this country. Those hospitals might have to cease operations if they had to succumb to new regulations requiring them to offer abortion services.
There is something you can do. The process the Administration is using requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to have a period of time to accept opinions from citizens. They are also required to review these opinions. We only have until April 9, 2009. Please take a moment and send a letter to the HHS asking them not to approve these discriminatory regulations. Click here
From the halls of the United Nations to the hospitals where the newborn babies lay, the Obama Administration is attempting to force us all to accept that taking the life of the unborn is a necessary act. They would like us all to believe that this is the opinion of the majority. We need to tell them that is not true! Please let them know that we will not be a party to this destruction of life! Act now to inform them that families throughout the world care about this issue and will not accept this type of discrimination upon their healthcare providers.
We at United Families International continue to work diligently to protect the life of the unborn. Our work at the international, national and state levels is vitally important to this cause. Please consider donating $25, $35, $50, or $100 TODAY so that we may continue to protect the lives of the unborn.
Thank You,
Beverly Rice
United Families International
Freedom of Conscience is as American as apple pie. Americans have always had the freedom to do what they believe is right and moral. President Obama and his new administration are poised to take that right away from the medical community if we do not act today.
Freedom of conscience is defined by a group of federal laws that were created to protect health care providers (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc.) from being forced to participate in abortions and other procedures that they believe are unethical or immoral.
Unfortunately, the federal laws regarding freedom of conscience have been consistently ignored by those in favor of abortion. With this in mind, in December 2008 the Bush administration under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) established regulations to enforce the laws.
In early March, the Obama administration, under pressure from Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups, started the process of rescinding the HHS rule. Click here to connect to the link:
Part of the rule change process requires a public comment period, where the public has the ability to record its comments on the rule change. Such comments will be considered by HHS before the rule change is final. The deadline is Thursday, April 9, 2009.
The deadline is fast approaching and your public comments are needed! Your comments are important for several reasons. Your show of opposition will be considered by HHS, the Obama administration and possibly the courts. By providing a permanent record of your concern, we may be able to protect the freedom of conscience.
Not only does the repeal of the HHS rule take away the freedom of choice for health care providers, it takes away the freedom of patients to choose pro-life health care providers.
- Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health care providers will leave the profession if forced to act against their moral conscience.
- Future pro-life individuals will not enter the health care field.
- Religiously affiliated hospitals and clinics will stop providing services and close their doors.
- Many individuals who are served by the faith-based community will lose access to health care.
- E-mail your comments to the Department of Health and Human Services to
- Visit and sign the petition. United Families and our allies will use this petition to show legislators, media and others the strong support for the freedom of conscience.
Please forward this on to your family and your friends! The time is short, and the future of America’s health care is at stake. Your help is appreciated!
Voice of the Nation – Family Values Blog Talk Radio
TUNE IN Thursdays by clicking here for our new blog talk radio!
Call in to VOICE OF THE NATION this Thursday at 12pm PST. The number is 347- 215-6801.
On Thursday: Voice Of The Nation will discuss same-sex marriage initiatives that are taking root across the country, most notably in Vermont as the state Senate and House are voting on same-sex marriage legislation this week. Will the Governor Veto the legislation? Does he have the votes to hold?
Also, William Duncan, Director of the Marriage Law Foundation, will be a guest on the show this week to talk about the dangers of legalizing same-sex marriage.
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