October 30, 2012
What Will You Do to Stop the Anti-Family Agenda?
While UFI is a non-partisan organization, we recognized that unless caring, concerned, and committed people involve themselves in the electoral political system of the nation in which they live, the radical, anti-family agenda may prevail. Succeeding in the cultural war is everybody’s responsibility and voting is one way we can help win the war!
In nations where a semblance of democracy allows people like you and me to express our preferences, it is our duty to ensure we vote for those individuals who will stand for the sanctity of life and the preservation of the institution of the family. Not every nation where UFI supporters live has open, fair elections. But in those that do, unless our views are known by our elected leaders, and unless those elected leaders share our commitments to principle, it will remain difficult to protect the family institutions we value so highly.
This fall, a total of eighteen countries around the world will hold elections.Active pro-family voter participation in national elections can have a major impact in the outcome of those elections. In 2010 in Brazil for example, the leading candidate for President made major concessions to protect the sanctity of life in the face of massive support from the populace after having been forced into a runoff. If pro-life, pro-family forces can have such an impact in one of the world’s largest democracies, you and other supporters of the family can have a similar impact in your elections.
Next week The United States of America has an important presidential election and many congressional seats to be decided. Four states in the United Sates, are voting on issues protecting marriage between a man and a woman. Pro-family, pro-life voters in the U.S. can make a statement regarding the most anti-family, pro-abortion administration America has ever known. Yet, to make this statement, UFI supporters in America must make the effort to step forward and exercise their duty by voting.
While not every UFI supporter will agree on every issue across the board, signaling your support of those political leaders that will join UFI in the fight to preserve marriage and family can help to make course corrections that will impact, not just the U.S., but also the entire world.
Those of us in the international pro-life, pro-family coalition have long recognized that when the internal policies of the United States are strongly aligned with the principles that support and protect the family, the international support for those positions increases. This means that your vote will not just bring strength to the family in your area or nation alone, but to the entire world as well.
Please take the time to exercise your right and duty to vote. Be proactive and thoughtful in your vote for those leaders who will commit to preserving the natural family. Those who disagree with you understand that when you stay home, they benefit. Anti-family politicians are elected and anti-family policy is implemented when pro-family people don’t vote. As Edmund Burke so aptly stated, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
We express sincere appreciation to the supporters of UFI who have shared with us what they are doing to make a difference in their communities.Some have suggested blogging, others have worked actively on campaigns, many have recommended that this coming Sunday be a day of fasting and prayer. These are all things we can do to facilitate the triumph of the traditional family! We are sure that you understand what a critical time this is and we plead with each of you to engage in whatever manner is best for you and your family.
As we have shown so many times before, healthy families produce healthy civilizations. It is only in voting for those candidates and policies that protect the traditional family that we can produce strong successful societies. Make the commitment, encourage your neighbors, and take action. Get out and vote for those issues and candidates who will join with UFI in preserving a safe future for families.
Onward to a better tomorrow,
Carol Soelberg
President, United Families International
Here’s a reminder that Oct. 28-Nov. 4 is the annual “White Ribbon Week Against Pornography.” Wear your white ribbon and take every opportunity to educate yourself and others about the harms of pornography. You can go here and see a sheducle of free on-line lectures and events now through Nov. 4. There is important material being offered; please take advantage of it!
UFI works hard to be your advocate for the family. Please support our efforts by making a donation today!