The Major Forces We Are Up Against…
Case in point, just in March, 2017 the UN meeting for the Commission on the Status of Women was led by a commission with a clear anti-family bias. They were hoping to include language in their “outcome document” that included the word “burden” in describing the work mothers do in their homes and for their children. Along with this, they were calling for this work to be “reduced and redistributed” to “national care systems” (i.e. governments taking over the “burden” of caring for family/children and the elderly.)
If this wasn’t enough, many delegates gave lip-service to the impact that a mother has on the life of her children and the well-being of her children, but then they sought to undermine that impact by suggesting the daily, unpaid work a woman does in caring for her family is time better spent elsewhere, while the family-care work better should be “redistributed” to other paid laborers.
Stepping into this cauldron was Ben — one of the many college students who joined as UFI interns for this trip. After experiencing a day of UN arguments as to why mothers should give up the care of their children to the “state”, Ben walked onto the streets of New York (just by the UN) to ask random people from all over the world one simple question: “What does being a mom mean to you.”
Here’s the quick 3 minute video guaranteed to make your day:
Isn’t it ironic that inside the UN policy makers were arguing over something for which the woman or man on the street already knew the answer: Mothers Matter. Period. The results were unanimous and affirmative. This level of common sense is what UFI is protecting – and more than that. Think of the dystopian implications if someday governments became the full time care giver of our children. UFI, along with our partners in the pro-family coalition, defeated this language, and we will do so again, but that can only happen with your support.
How have we slid so far into the abyss of anti-family thinking?
The reasons are many, but one solution to keep these policies from reaching our towns and homes is simple –help UFI continue our work. UFI is there to protect our families against this activism, and we need your help to remain there.
Your faithful and generous support is there to ensure we are at the UN (and at many state capitals, as well.) Please consider sharing of your substance so we can help keep our families and communities strong from such upside-down thinking.
UFI turns 40 years old this year, and we are asking all of our friends and supporters to share one dollar per year we’ve been in operation. If 400 subscribers each donate $40 – that will provide the funds needed to be strong at the UN again this spring.
Edmund Burke once said, “For evil to triumph, all it requires is for good men to do nothing.” We at UFI have no intention of doing nothing…but we can’t do the something we are great at without the funds to fulfill our mission. Please donate now to keep us moving forward.
Robert F. Spiel, Chairman
United Families International