The Media’s “Big Lie”
Over the years, the public has grown increasingly skeptical of the media, and for good reason. Surveys over the past 30 years have consistently found that journalists – especially those at the highest ranks of their profession – are much more liberal than the rest of the population. They are more likely to vote liberal, more likely to describe themselves as liberal, and more likely to agree with the liberal position on policy matters than members of the general public. This fact has not gone unnoticed, as a wide variety of public opinion polls have documented . According to such polls, most people now see the media as politically biased, inaccurate, intrusive, and a tool used by powerful interests. The more startling nature of the growing discrepancy between media and its viewers is the fact that despite measurable evidence to the contrary, many journalists still refuse to acknowledge that most of the mainstream media tilts to the left .
The most unfortunate part of this downhill trend is that the media plays a crucial role in educating the people. And in today’s society, rather than helping to educate and empower people, the media use their power to hide the facts and spin the stories to fit their liberal, political agendas.
United Families International has been working hard to provide you with the facts so you can know the truth for yourself. Through daily international and national news alerts and weekly issue updates such as this, UFI helps you to sift through the garbage the mass media is reporting as fact and understand the real facts surrounding pertinent issues regarding the family.
Here are just a few of the stories UFI has helped to unveil as part of the media’s “Big Lie.”
Homosexuality Myth:
With titles such as “Homosexuality Common in the Wild,” and “Scientists Make Fruit Flies Gay, Then Straight Again,” the liberal media is pushing the idea that science has not only shown us that homosexuality is something normal but that it should be accepted and supported. Similarly, the proponents of such thinking assert that homosexual couples are well-suited to be parents and that children who grow up in such households suffer no social or psychological effects. All these claims they back using evidence from one scientist or another.
While doctors and scientists all over the world have continued to search for a link between genetics and homosexuality, there is no scientific evidence that shows that homosexuality is genetic. The media has sensationalized and perpetuated the myth of a homosexual gene. No human behavior, let alone sexual behavior, has been connected to genetic markers to date. Sexuality, like every other behavior, is undoubtedly influenced by both biological and societal factors. In fact, many studies have shown that there is a clear connection between being raised in a homosexual family and homosexuality. Similarly, children of homosexuals report that their childhoods were more difficult than the childhoods of children of heterosexuals. Furthermore, homosexual parents model a poor view of marriage to children by teaching that marital relationships are transitory and mostly sexual in nature, sexual relationships are primarily for pleasure rather than procreation, and monogamy in marriage is a norm that should be discouraged if one wants a good “marital” relationship.
Pornography Myth:
The liberal media has pushed the use of pornography as an every-day acceptable practice, particularly for men. It is portrayed in movies and on television as almost a “right of passage” type of experience during adolescence and again later in life to survive what the media portrays as the “drudgery” of married life. A story which was particularly popular among media across the world was a young Canadian medical student’s research which was said to claim that there are no negative effects of pornography.
This Canadian medical student’s story was a great demonstration of the media’s aptitude at distorting the truth. The study was deemed inconclusive by scientists because of the non-bias sampling group that was used, but this didn’t stop the media from presenting the results as scientific fact. The truth is that pornography demeans its participants. It is a form of prostitution, and porn subjects are frequently the victims of molestation, rape, coercion and blackmail. Pornography corrupts children and robs them of their innocence.
Pornography is not a benign phenomenon; it leaves a clearly discernible trail of victims. The scenes of sex crimes and the homes of those committing sex crimes are frequently littered with pornography. Pornography creates callous attitudes toward rape and causes users to develop distorted perceptions about sexuality. Pornography is a perpetrator of family breakdown.
Abortion Myth:
Especially surrounding the current debate in the United States regarding government-run health care and abortion funding, the media has been running stories about the rights of women to choose what to do with their bodies and scientific “experts”who will attest to the humanity of the procedure because the baby which is growing and developing is not alive, in their opinion, until birth. All these catch phrases and sidesteps around the truth help to convince many that the murder of unborn children is within their rights and that there are no repercussions for making such a decision.
Embryologists and embryology text books confirm that human life begins as conception. Scientific research shows that at the moment of fertilization, two separate cells join to form one new life, genetically distinct from every other human being. Women who have had an abortion can experience problems conceiving and carrying future pregnancies to term. Post-abortive women run a higher risk of problems when attempting to have children later in life. Similarly, abortion has potentially severe physical and psychological repercussions for women. In addition, abortion can negatively affect the father, parents and other members of the family, friends and even the abortionists themselves. Post-abortive women are at increased risk for sterility, death, internal injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological problems that may lead to suicide. Abortion results in the death of an unborn child. The â€Ã…”right to choose†does not trump the inalienable right to life of a child whether born or unborn. The act of intentionally ending the life of a child in the womb is not a civil right. There is no right to kill an innocent person. Although in some countries abortion is a universal civil right for women, abortion violates the most basic civil right of unborn children – the right to life itself.
Empower Yourself
UFI’s mission is to continue to combat these myths with up-to-date reporting on issues regarding the family and the facts behind the stories the media has concocted. Help educate yourself, and those you know who might be interested in protecting the rights of the family, by subscribing to our daily news alerts or make a contribution below .
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Please join us in convincing the UN General Assembly that all life is worth protecting by signing the petition , the International Call for the Rights and Dignity of the Human Person and the Family.
Last year we made the same request and thanks to your support we were able to go to the UN with over 400,000 signatures confirming the human right to life. This year we want to return in December with 1 million signatures proving that the international community believes in the sanctity of life and the humanity of the unborn.