UFI Special Alert – UN AIDS Report
Special Report – Urgent!
FACT: “As of December 2007, an estimated 33.2 million people worldwide were living with HIV. In 2007, an estimated 2.5 million people were newly infected.”
Many of them helpless children.
The UNAIDS High-Level report says, “the breadth and severity of the [AIDS/HIV] epidemic remain unmatched in modern times by any other infectious diseases.”
Dear Friend of the Family,
Have you ever seen the inside of an orphanage? How about an orphanage in a third world country?
It’s enough to rip your heart out. In some cases children are stacked 8-10 to a single bed – if they have beds. Sickness, disease, and malnutrition are often raging. It is more misery than most of us can possibly imagine.
In Africa, The Lucky Orphans Have Food & Shelter
But, in Africa, if you want to really see the face of pain, hunger, fear, neglect, and suffering, you simply need to walk down the dusty streets of almost every village in sub-Saharan Africa.
In many African nations, 50% (or more) of all orphans have lost one or both of their parents to AIDS. Tragically many, many children have AIDS themselves. Yes. Half. 50%. The number is sickening, but true.African_Orphan1_meal.gif
Today, in Africa, AIDS is reaching into families and literally tearing them apart one father… one mother… one child at a time.
2.5 Million Helpless Children Victims Just In Kenya
In Kenya alone it is estimated that 1,100,000 children are orphans because of AIDS. Additionally,about 1,400,000 children suffer from AIDS themselves because of their parent’s choices. That is more people than live in the states of Maine, Montana, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
In other words, if every man, woman and child in the State of Montana suddenly died today, there would be fewer deaths than the children that are dying in just Kenya from AIDS.
All told, in the next few years alone, over 14 million children will die or become orphans because of AIDS in Africa. In some countries, like Swaziland, over 33% of the entire country’s population are infected with AIDS.
Heart wrenching at best. Terrifying, if we really could see the ugly nightmare these poor children are living through.
We Are There
On June 9, 2008, the United Nations held a special meeting to discuss the lives that AIDS is tearing apart. And we were there.
UFI sent our “Stay Alive” program director and our Program Director Beverly Rice to observe and participate. What they saw was nothing more than a revolting disregard for children and families.
Suffering Children are the Real Victims – Not Sex Dealers
For the majority of three full days the meeting was hijacked by what the U.N. calls the “vulnerable groups,” which includes intravenous drug users, sex workers, men having sex with men, and groups whose behavior is criminalized.
african_orphans.jpgThe discussion centered around the so called rights of “sexual expression,” meaning safe needles, and legalizing sex workers. Don’t you think it should have been focused on the truly vulnerable 12 million AIDS orphans? Or what about the babies born with HIV and the women and girls who contract AIDS through pressured sex and unfaithful husbands?
Unbelievably, a handful of speakers claimed that marriage for African women is harmful due to a report revealing that the highest rate of infection occurs in married women. Some of those in attendance embraced this idea with loud applause and a partial standing ovation.
Social Science Tells The Real Facts
But undisputable social science tells us they got it all wrong. The real problem is the unfaithful and immoral, unethical behavior of their husbands.
The UN knows this, but many are choosing to side with anti-family organizations who place unusual sex practices and drug pushers above children, women, and families. Consider this report from “The East African,” one of the largest newspapers on the continent:
“A new United Nations report cites injected drug use and sex between men as important factors in East Africa’s Aids epidemic. A prevalent male attitude of supremacy over women is also identified as a key reason why the Aids virus continues to spread in Kenya, Tanzania and other African countries.”
(source: “Sex Between Men Fueling AIDS in EA” The East African, June 22, 2008)
Only a few of the speakers during the conference spoke of behavioral changes, even though the UNAIDS report noted that
“In recent years, data from selected countries, such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, indicate that significant, population-wide changes in sexual behavior can be achieved and that such behavioral shifts have the potential to reverse national epidemics.”
U.N. delegations find it difficult to discuss negative behaviors as the cause of the AIDS pandemic because in the UN system the “Human Rights” definition includes a statement that “everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression.”
These “human rights” supposedly encompasses a wide variety of sexual activity and drug usage.
Our reps were enraged when the meetings turned out to be more of a rally to embrace those who choose to participate in negative and dangerous behaviors, than a meeting to find real solutions for vulnerable children and those already infected with AIDS.
Prevention through Education is the Answer
So, what is the answer? How do we turn back the tide of death that is sweeping over Africa? How do we stop the death of millions of innocent, helpless children?
Education is the key. The brutal fact is that most people in Africa do not even understand AIDS or how HIV is transmitted. A 2007 international survey, found that only 40% of young males (ages 15-24), and 36% of young females had accurate knowledge regarding HIV.
Yes, education is the key. And who will do it? The UN with their skewed focus on “vulnerable groups” that promote uncontrolled and destructive sexual behavior? Don’t count on it.
How about the governments who have responsibility for these children? Don’t expect too much there either. That same survey done in 2007 indicated, “In countries with generalized epidemics, fewer than 70% have implemented school-based HIV education.”
Stay Alive is Proven to Save the Lives of Children
The reality is this:
If the war on AIDS is to be won in Africa,
you and I must be the ones to win it.
That is why UFI has created the Stay Alive program.
Stay Alive goes into communities all across Africa and educates men, women, and especially children about AIDS. They don’t need anyone telling them about the pain, terror, and trauma caused by AIDS… they live with that everyday.
What they need is someone to show them the way out of this horrible epidemic. They need people like us who know the how’s, and why’s behind AIDS and can steer them clear of its ravishing grasp.
At the UN Sex & Drugs – Not Families – Are King.
We’re Going to Save Families Anyway.
They walked away from the meeting totally disgusted at the lack of compassion and the utter waste of UN resources. With all their billions of dollars, the UN could do so much for children.
But they won’t. Instead they are funding programs that encourage prostitution, promote homosexual behavior, and look the other way as men destroy their wives and children through infidelity. Sickening.
One rep said,
“Educating the children and parents in Africa and in other parts of the world, will not come from government agencies – it will come from you and me.”
Our resolve to help these children is greater than ever. The information we have in our hands has been proven time and time again to save lives. We have it, and they desperately need it.
It’s Time To Act – Join Us.
There has never been a more urgent time than today to give the children and families of Africa this critical information. But there is no way for us to do this without your help. We don’t have the billions of dollars the UN has. We don’t even have the millions that the so-called “vulnerable groups” – the disgusting sex dealers and drug users – have.
The only thing these children have are the dollars that you generously donate. Through our Stay Alive program, UFI is ready to reach out to millions of children in Africa.
The only thing we need to make it happen is your generous support. Will you take a minute right now and donate $20, $35, $50, $100, or even $500 to this incredible effort?
One Dollar Gives 365 Days of Life-Saving Education
Every dollar you donate will go directly toward giving these children real hope. They will have hope when they learn the truth about AIDS and how to stay away… how to protect their families today, and their families of tomorrow.
photo_orphaned1.jpgHow much will one dollar help? Can you believe that one-dollar is enough to educate one child for an entire year? $40 is enough to reach an entire classroom of children.
And is your money effective? Post-program studies show a stunning 61% drop in pregnancy rates and sexual activity Stay Alive communities. Few other programs even come close to being as powerful and effective at saving lives and wiping out the nightmare of AIDS.
Helpless Children Need Your Help Right Now
So, please, donate today. Your gift of $20 will help 20 children Stay Alive. $40 helps an entire classroom of helpless children. $500 reaches an entire community and their families.
Click Here to Donate Now. $20, $35, $50, $100, or even $500. Remember, every dollar educates a child for an entire year.
If your heart has ever been ripped apart by the gaunt eyes and the frail figures of African orphans suffering from AIDS, you finally have a way to help stop the suffering and misery. Finally, you can give in a way that makes a real difference. Please, Donate Now.
Carol Soelberg
President United Families International
P.S. What will it really take to save millions of defenseless children? How can we really stop this wave of death and pain? It will take people like you and me reaching out. Study, after study shows that then they know the facts, most African fathers, mothers, and children makes changes for the better. Don’t let the pro-drug and disgusting same-sex voices in the UN deny these precious children life. Help us today with a generous donation. Remember, every dollar helps a child for a whole year. Click Here to Donate Now
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