From the Desk of Laura Bunker:
Everywhere we go, people ask us “What can I do to support the family?” Today we have two good suggestions — but please act quickly because time is of the essence!
On Tuesday, July 28, Pro-life citizens in more than 50 cities will be rallying to defund Planned Parenthood, in response to the two gruesome undercover videos released over the past two weeks.
“Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America said, “Planned Parenthood gets a half a billion a year in taxpayer dollars. We are calling on every state and federal government to cut off those funds immediately and investigate Planned Parenthood for possible wrongdoing.”
For a list of cities holding these rallies, visit#WomenBetrayed or click here and scroll down for links to more information on each rally. You can help spread the word, and join a rally near you.
This week:
Friday, July 31 is the last day to receive an 18 percent discount on registration for World Congress of Families IX on October 27-30 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Click here to register, and after you have entered your name and information, and chosen your options and events, enter UFAMWC9 in the Discount Code box. If you have any problems with registration process or the discount code, please contact Ashley at
Saturday August 1 is the deadline for scholarship applications from young adults ages 18 to 30. We would love to have as many young Millennials — from as many different countries — as possible to attend the World Congress of Families IX, so if you know of a pro-life, pro-family young adult who would like to attend, please encourage them to apply here, by this coming Saturday.
The World Congress of Families has released a detailed response to the inaccurate attacks it has received from opponents. The WCF statement calls for civil dialogue and constructive engagement, “as an organization dedicated to authoritative research and dissemination of information promoting ideals and best practices for children and the future.” You can read the entire response here.
You can also go to the World Congress of Families IX Facebook page and see photos and videos of some of our fellow World Congress of Families partners. Stories like this one and this one will amaze and inspire you.
So, there is something you can do this week to support the family! Spread the word and attend a rally to defund Planned Parenthood, register for World Congress of Families, and invite a young adult to apply for a WCF9 scholarship.Every small effort matters.
Laura Bunker
United Families International, President