United Families Is Working For You!
In a previous “President’s Spotlight”I outlined a new vision for the future of United Families International. Today, I wanted to explain how that vision has succeeded in impacting you and your family. But first, I must tell you that our efforts to support and defend the principles related to the family and marriage are handicapped by financial resources. That’s right, the almighty dollar, or better said, the lack of the almighty dollar, limits how we fight for your family.
We have a carefully developed plan that should bring success in our fight to preserve and protect the family as an institution. You may already have seen aspects of our expanded domestic and international educational outreach program featuring; ourelectronic newsletter UFI Daily Update, highlighting family related news items of interest from around the world circulated to UFI supporters and policymakers; the record setting distribution of UFI’s message via daily blogging, Twitter, Face book, You tube, and other social networking tools; and UFI Weekly Alerts,electronic issue alertsthat explain in detail issues and actions critical in the fight to protect the family.
Many more programs have been prepared that we believe can succeed in the fight to protect life, marriage and the family. But our resources to implement our plan pale in comparison to the billions spent by the radicals intent on destroying the family. Now, because of the Obama Administration’s rush to radical institutional change in the world, we face the full force of the United States Treasury, The European Union, and the United Nations bureaucracy.
UFI faces an immense task trying to make ourselves heard in the face of the main stream media echoing the swan song of popular culture. Indeed, today’s popular culture advocates that what is wrong is right, and what is right is wrong. This leaves us at an historic crossroads. For the first time in human history, an entire generation is being urged to come together into a global society whose values are in direct conflict with their own best interests.
Social scientists have been researching and documenting the impact of these societal changes. Their data supports what you, as a supporter of United Families International (UFI), believe; thatindividuals, communities, and nations benefit by honoring and sustaining the institutions of marriage and family.
To achieve his radical aims, President Obama is trying to silence the activities of pro-family citizens and groups – while he destroys families throughout the world.
So far, Obama has made devastating anti-family policy changes that include:
* Repealing embryonic stem cell research funding ban.
* Repealing the Mexico City policy ban – allowing federal tax dollars to pay for international abortions.
* Providing billions of tax payer dollars to finance wholesale abortion in America and around the world.
* Appointing leaders of the homosexual rights movement to government position to facilitate making the homosexual lifestyle and political agenda a societal priority.
* Using diplomatic agencies and foreign aid to force pro-family countries to jettison their cultures and values in lieu of Obama’s.
These harmful family policy changes are just the beginning. Other policy changes that will destroy family and life that are in the pipeline include:
* Repealing the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
* Appointing activist judges to impose anti-family policies outside of the democratic legislative processes.
* Passing anti-life legislation that repeals the partial birth abortion ban, parental consent law, state abortion restrictions and allows full use of federal and state tax dollars for all abortions. (FOCA law)
This is why I am urgently asking you to make the most generous contribution you can possibly make. We know times are tough. But,we must fight this growing threat, and we cannot do it without you!It is only the support of loyal and dear friends like you that make it possible for us to accomplish all that we do in the battle to preserve marriage and the family.
I know that every time we come to dear friends like you asking for support we tell you that the attacks on the family, marriage, family values and parental rights are more serious and more vicious than ever. The fact is that every year the threat is getting more serious and more vicious… and our deep-pocketed opponents keep growing stronger and stronger!
Consider just some of what has happened …
Marriage under attack
* Vermont granted legal recognition of same sex civil unions. This came after an order from the Vermont Supreme court in 2000. Vermont is the second state to create “civil unions” in lieu of same sex marriage. Civil unions in Vermont are given all the same rights, privileges, obligations and responsibilities as married couples.
* Iowa’s Supreme Court unanimously overturned the people’s definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, allowing same-sex marriage to begin on April 24, 2009. Iowa now becomes on of three states in the nation and the only state in the Midwest where same sex couples can legally marry. There are no residency requirements for marriage licenses.
* The Supreme Court of Nepal has ordered that country’s government to extend equal marriage rights to same sex couples. Same-sex marriage is recognized in Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, and Norway.
Parental Rights Under Attack
* Lexington, Massachusetts father of kindergartner was arrested and spent night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son’s class.
* Children in California elementary schools get lessons on same-sex marriage without parental approval through story books and gay “ally” day. “I learned how a prince married a prince, and I can marry a princess,” a kindergartner from San Francisco exclaims to her mortified mom.
* Britain’s government is teaching primary children about homosexual relations. The project, funded with tax dollars teaches children as young as 5 the “pleasures of gay sex”. (site)
Life under attack
* NARA Pro-Choice America has given President Barrack Obama a 100 % approval rating. NARAL is the U.S.’s leading pro-abortion organization. The rating comes as a result of votes against the unborn, including voting against the Induced Infant Liability Act and the ban against partial birth abortions. The Induced Liability Act gives legal protection and medical assistance to babies born from botched abortions.
* In an executive order Obama betrayed his promise of reducing abortions by forcing taxpayers to fund groups with hundreds of millions of dollars that promote and perform overseas abortions.
* Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has approved the use of abortifacient “emergency contraception,” despite his claim that the country’s new constitution would prohibit abortion.
* An international pro-abortion organization conspired with pro-abortion hospital staff to perform an abortion involving twin babies on a young Brazilian girl. This was done contrary to the law that mandates abortion only if the life of the mother is in danger.
* Abortion clinics around the U.S. have been caught breaking reporting laws when underage girls come in for an abortion and deliberately fail to disclose these girls have had sex with overage men.
Religious Freedoms under attack
* The Obama administration is in the act of overturning regulations that protect the conscience rights of physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare workers in regards to right to opt out of participating in health care services like abortion, etc. that interfere with their moral or religious beliefs.
* Churches and members of churches receive violent treatment and threats. Law enforcement turns a blind eye to the reported violence.
* Connecticut policy makers propose new law (SB 899) taking away religious liberty by mandates such as employment quotas for gays and lesbians and forcing churches to rent out their facilities for same sex marriage receptions.
* A Christian photographer was forced by the New Mexico Civil Rights Commission to pay $6,637 in attorney’s costs after she refused to photograph a gay couple’s commitment ceremony.
* A psychologist in Georgia was fired after she declined for religious reasons to counsel a lesbian about her relationship.
* Christian fertility doctors in California who refused to artificially inseminate a lesbian patient were barred by the state Supreme Court from invoking their religious beliefs in refusing treatment.
* A Christian student group was not recognized at a University of California law school because it denies membership to anyone practicing sex outside of traditional marriage.
As incredible as it may seem, this is only a sampling of terrible and tragic things happening to families and our society. This is why we need your most generous contribution to fight against these and other threats.
Our work protecting a future for the family grows harder every day as the Obama administration, and others like him worldwide, attack the family from all sides.
We have to work harder than ever to protect the family in these perilous times! This is why we need the continued support of donors like you!
As you already know, UFI supports the traditional family by citing thousands of years of history and decades of social science research. Both confirm that the traditional family is fundamental to strong societies and that we need to do all we can to support and strengthen this institution, for the sake of our children, communities and country.
It is time for us to collectively rise up and demonstrate to those who do not understand the value of family, and marriage, that these institutions are worth protecting and honoring.
At United Families International we depend completely on individual donors – like you. We need to know we can count on your support. Please consider making a donation today to ensure that this work will go forward.
Our work here is done by just a handful of committed volunteers. We recognize that donors want their money spent on the issues that affect them and their families. At United Families, every dollar of your donation is used judiciously to continue the fight against the forces that seek to destroy the family.
Please click here to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, or $500. Your contributions will be used to fight marriage amendment battles, file amicus briefs in parental rights cases, work with pro-family countries at the UN to stop the abortion rights and gay rights agendas.
Please help us today! We know these are important issues for you. We know you want to decide how to raise your children. We know you do not want gay marriage taught in schools. We know you do not want unlimited access to abortion. We know you want to enjoy religious freedom.
These are freedoms that come at a price. The opposition is very well funded. We must be willing to support those who fight against them. Please donate to United Families today.
You can make an online donation or print this form and mail a check. We cannot continue without your help. Please consider making a generous donation today.