What happens in New York, doesn’t stay in New York
Did you know that in March there are prestigious meetings at the UN that will attempt, among other things, to implement policies that willlegalize prostitution, make abortion–at all stages–legal around the world, negate parental rights, promote explicit sex education to children, and will aggressively work to advance homosexual rights. Yes, the radical feminists will be there in full force and working hard to undermine the family, especially the role of mothers.
The United Nations’ annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women (“CSW”) takes place this year from March 1 through March 12 at UN Headquarters in New York City, and United Families International will be there to remind the delegates that one important role women play in the societies of the world is in the bearing, nurturing, and moral education of each new rising generation. CSW is traditionally dominated by a radical feminist agenda that perceives the role of “mother” as a “negative stereotype.” When the radical feminists speak of the “status of women,” it is motherhood that they perceive as the problem to be overcome, not as a vital component of human life.
UFI will be present to emphasize the quiet, irreplaceable biological and moral/social role of women in simply preserving a future, and a viable future, in all human society . If a woman chooses to remain at home raising a family, her right to choose that role in the lives of her children should be protected, not discouraged, and young girls coming up through the educational system should be taught that “mother” is a valuable and worthwhile choice, a choice from which a child benefits throughout its life.
Although the draft documents have not yet been released for review, we expect to also encounter the standard language of â€Å”maternal health†and the “right to maternal health care,” and to have to address the duplicitous use of this language as masking the intent to include the right to abort a child at will as being included within the scope of these ambiguous phrases. The UFI team will be working to bring clarity and specificity to the documents and transparency to the process. Hidden intentions and reliance on ambiguity generally indicate an awareness that right-thinking people would not approve of the hidden agenda items. Transparency in the process is key to sound policy being adopted.
The Commission on the Status of Women is one of the most important gatherings of the year. Why? Because thousands of women and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) from around the world converge on the UN in New York – each group with an agenda. The documents that are negotiated there are added to an already existing body of UN policy that is attempting to redefine womanhood and to redefine culture in the process. What happens at the UN will eventually find its way into your country, your community, and ultimately into your home. The policies that emerge there matter because they provide a precedent for law making in most countries of the world.
Amidst the cacophony, UFI will be there to represent your voice. Lead by International Policy Director Scott Loveless, UFI will have a team of people on the UN grounds in New York for the entire two weeks of the Commission meetings. We will be reporting regularly with accounts of the proceedings and progress being made on the issues. So be sure to tune in to our UFI blog , Facebook ,Twitter , talk radio show , and our alerts , to receive real time reports on the antics of our radical feminist, pro-abortion, foes. The UFI team will dedicate two weeks of their lives to protecting the future of the family—your family.
Having a presence as CSW to be your voice for the pro-family movement does not come without expense. The conference is two weeks and the transportation and logging take a toll on the UFI budget. We would appreciate any financial help that you feel like you can share with us. We take our mission statement of “securing a future for the family” very seriously and we hope you share our commitment. Please consider what you can do to make a difference for the family at CSW. The decisions made at CSW will have an impact on families all over the world – and you can make a difference.
Support UFI!
Please donate now to help UFI’s expenses to Travel to and make a difference at CSW.
Please join us in convincing the UN General Assembly that all life is worth protecting by signing the petition , the International Call for the Rights and Dignity of the Human Person and the Family.
Last year we made the same request and thanks to your support we were able to go to the UN with over 400,000 signatures confirming the human right to life. This year we want to return in December with 1 million signatures proving that the international community believes in the sanctity of life and the humanity of the unborn.
Send this link to ALL your friends and family telling them to SIGN TO PROTECT LIFE –