Protect against Title IX and submit a comment by September 12, 2022.

The US Department of Education released their proposed changes to Title IX regulations that would dramatically change the future for women and girls in federally funded activities and programs. There are many negative impacts that will harm girls, women, and families.

A government portal has been set up for you to make a comment submission.  It is very straight-forward and easy to do.  In addition, this governmental body is required to read every submission, large and small – before they can finalize the new “Rule.”  So rest assured, your input will be read and considered.


porn harms 3by Erin Weist

A few months ago we wrote about the World Congress of Families that convened in Salt Lake City, Utah and focused on issues that affect families and family relationships.  I was fortunate enough to attend several of the lectures and am thrilled that they are now available online.  There are so many worthwhile reports (available on the WCF website or YouTube channel) but I wanted to share a few from individuals who started with a simple act and grew into changing the world.  


Two videos in particular were presented by groups fighting against the plague of pornography.  Accompanied by shocking statistics, heart-breaking testimonies and horrifying accounts, they shine a light on the dangers of pornography in our society. First, The Porn Pandemic covers a documentary shown by Sharon Slater, the President of  Family Watch International.  This documentary attests to the societal dangers of pornography, that it is not just a personal vice but a genuine safety issue for women on both sides of the lens.  Two other experts testify on scientific studies about pornography, their experiences, research, and work to change the conversation.  

Underground railroadThe second video regarding pornography was given by founders of two non-profit groups, Fight the New Drug & Operation Underground Railroad.  The first group, Fight the New Drug, was started by a group of college-age men encouraging people to promote real love instead of the false idolatry of pornography.  Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) rescues children from the slave trafficking industry, one promoted and encouraged through the pornography industry.  It was started by Tim Ballard, who saw a horrible system at work and decided to change it, one kid at a time.  If you feel moved to help, each of these groups accept donations on their websites to assist their movements and operations.

Stephanie Nielson B4

Another video I must share is from Stephanie Nielson, the writer of the blog read worldwide, Nie Nie Dialogues.  Her story is both heart-breaking and inspiring and full of love.  Anyone who is a mother or longs to be one will be moved by her story.  She didn’t do much but start a blog.Her choices are    changing lives all over the world.stephanie neilson after


Finally, Nick Vujicic is the world-famous motivational speaker who founded the organization Life Without Limbs, whose mission statement declares their desire “to build bridges that bring people to the love and hope found in Jesus Christ.”  Nick was born without arms or legs and has overcome tremendous obstacles to teach others that every life matters.  Regardless of your religious affiliation the message that God loves each and every one of us is a powerful motivator for good in our societies, and Nick is using that message to encourage kids to love themselves and each other.  Nick Vugicic


Some of these videos are rather long, so I would encourage you to bookmark them and come back when you have time to ponder.  And peruse some of their other videos.  You absolutely can find something empowering that will motivate you to change the world for the better, just like these powerful examples.  Tim Ballard, of O.U.R., says that if you want to make a change it can be as simple as taking a talent and figuring out how to use it in your efforts.  Sometimes all it takes is a first step.