Protect against Title IX and submit a comment by September 12, 2022.

The US Department of Education released their proposed changes to Title IX regulations that would dramatically change the future for women and girls in federally funded activities and programs. There are many negative impacts that will harm girls, women, and families.

A government portal has been set up for you to make a comment submission.  It is very straight-forward and easy to do.  In addition, this governmental body is required to read every submission, large and small – before they can finalize the new “Rule.”  So rest assured, your input will be read and considered.


ufilogoThe largest CPAC in history kicked off today in Washington, D.C. with more than 8,500 attendants.  A large youth presence is noticed as nearly half of those 8,500 CPAC goers are college students.  Much of the conversation was dominated by the current economic condition, the “Fairness Doctrine”, and discussion of ways to advance the conservative movement.  One of the more humorous comments made about the economy was made during tonight’s banquet when the Emcee said, “we know with the current president, a penny saved is a penny taxed.”  Between the humor and financial speak, the family was also mentioned.

Rep. Mike Pence criticized the Mexico City Policy, saying that it is shameful that the tax dollars of Pro-Life Americans goes toward the promotion of abortion abroad.  He also called for action to reduce the amount of federal funding that the pro-abortion group, Planned Parenthood receives.  Rep. Pence cited the breakdown of accountability and integrity as a major reason for the current economic downturn.

Gov. Mike Huckabee advocated the family as a means of reducing government’s involvement in the lives and business of Americans.  Gov. Huckabee said, “It is when families fail that government is forced to take over.”  In his speech, the former Arkansans governor also refereed to the fact that in all 30 states that have allowed citizens to vote on the definition of marriage,  traditional marriage has won every time…including states like California and Florida, states that Barack Obama won.

At the UFI booth in the exhibit hall, we gathered nearly 200 signatures for the UN Petition to Protect Life.  If you will be attending CPAC tomorrow or Saturday, please come by and add your name!