Protect against Title IX and submit a comment by September 12, 2022.

The US Department of Education released their proposed changes to Title IX regulations that would dramatically change the future for women and girls in federally funded activities and programs. There are many negative impacts that will harm girls, women, and families.

A government portal has been set up for you to make a comment submission.  It is very straight-forward and easy to do.  In addition, this governmental body is required to read every submission, large and small – before they can finalize the new “Rule.”  So rest assured, your input will be read and considered.


Editor’s note:  A huge rally in support of traditional marriage was held on Tuesday, January 28.  United Families Utah representatives, along with five interns, participated.  We wanted to share some of their experiences and insights – including their reaction when protestors from the gay lobby peppered them with glitter bombs.

Utah marriage rally, 2014By Annalise Harker

The showing of support at a program held in the Utah State Capitol to “Stand for Marriage” made it clear that the marriage issue is far from over in the state of Utah.

I welcomed attendees by handing out stickers that proclaimed “Stand for Marriage.” Many at first accepted them reluctantly, not sure what I was offering, but upon reading, thanked me warmly, and put the sticker on as a proud declaration. I sensed genuine gratitude that they had been given an opportunity to stand for what they believed in. As I thanked people for coming, several expressed that they felt it was their duty.

Themes of the evening seemed to be that defending traditional marriage is about protecting children, and that the voices of the majority will be kind but not silenced.

The program was a beautiful example that there are supporters of traditional marriage from all areas and backgrounds. A video message from Robert Oscar Lopez, an author and Yale graduate that was raised by lesbian mothers shared the irony that the two people that loved him the most hurt him deeply by keeping his father out of his life. He said that no matter success he was able to attain, the absence of his father was a tragedy and loss in his life.

Nicole Kay Brinkerhoff proclaimed that “to support traditional marriage you don’t have to be against anyone.” She told us that she lives this through interactions with her uncle, brother, mother and close friends, who are all part of the LGBT community, while also being involved in social science research that shows that the ideal situation for children is in a home with a mother and a father.

Doug Mainwaring proposed the idea that it is possible to oppose same-sex marriage based on reason and experience. Doug identifies as gay, and shared his story of marrying a woman, having a family, divorcing, and then the discoveries that his journey led him to. He knows by experience that denying children parents of both genders is wrong, and that a family with two fathers at the head cannot be completely equal to one parent of each gender.

Some of the loudest cheers of the night followed declarations that “Standing for marriage does not mean that we are against anyone,” “We do love our LGBT neighbors,” “Standing for marriage is not homophobic,” and “Marriage means a mother and father for every child!” The event is over, and the posters are packed away, but these are cries that our voices must continue to carry.

It is time to stop being the silent majority.


Samantha Anderson

Last night I had the opportunity to attend my very first rally.   I didn’t even know what a rally looked like.  The word “rally” conjures in my head an image of a number of people holding banners and yelling.    I typically consider myself a quiet and non-confrontational kind of person.  I thought of rallies being for “other” kinds of people.  I have always tried to live my life in a way that represents my beliefs, but never have I attended an event with the intent to prove, to demonstrate, to advocate for a cause.  Perhaps my emotions prior to the event could be described as feelings of tempered excitement and nervousness – and a bit of naiveté.  Read more…

Stephanie Hubbard

The event began and the messages rang true to the hearts of many. Applause and cheers after messages that told us to no longer be “the silent majority,” to not let our “family lives get in the way of supporting families.” As our Attorney General Sean Reyes spoke a group of about 10 protestors ran to the middle of the aisles, held each other and began shouting “equality now!” The few people sitting near these individuals (including myself) were covered as they threw glitter bombs and the media began to swarm toward the crowd. The AG continued to speak and the authorities escorted the protestors out. The crowd remained strong and was not deterred by what had happened. It was a testimony to me that we could withstand any opposition that arose, and that our message would eventually be heard.  Read more …

Tashica Jacobson

Robert Lopez’s video was the one thing that stood out to me. He spoke from the personal experience of growing up with lesbian parents and the loss he felt as he grew realizing that he was deprived of the father. This resonated with me, how would I feel if the people that loved me most had deprived me of my father, my dad, the one who I go to with my concerns? I would feel much the same as he did. He felt hurt and confused and even more confused by the reaction of gay community as he began to question the environment he grew up in.  Read more …

Madison Kohls

Last night the Utah State Capital was filled with families and individuals standing up for marriage between man and women. Many supporters shared their love for homosexual individuals and made it clear they we are not against gays and lesbians, but for traditional marriage and giving children the best chance in life possible. A heterosexual marriage between a wife and husband that love each is the best foundation for children. It was also said that even people that considered themselves homosexual can find great joy and fulfillment in having a heterosexual marriage.  Read more …